Wednesday, July 23, 2008

a hole in my nest

Monday brought rain, and wind, and nature a little closer to our home than even I usually care for it. This event left me a bit shaken, but also very thankful. While I was forced to abandon the dinner I was making and the vacation that was on the horizon, all members of our home are safe and were even able to sleep in our own beds that night (sleep and nerves being aided by a glass of whiskey). My heart goes out to all the people that have been displaced by the natural disasters plaguing our country and planet in recent history and whose troubles were not so easily remedied. Now, the tree is cleared, the wholes tarped, and my next exercise will be in patience, as I'm sure that the repair will not be as swift as the damage. Hopefully we'll emerge with a stronger nest than we began, and a new appreciation for our little home as well.